21. Hunnebostrand-Sotekanalen

  • Length

    6 km

  • Degree of difficulty


  • Estimated time


Fredrik Schenholm/Westsweden.com

Stages 16 and 18-22 are part of the Swedish Tourist Association's "Signature Trail Bohuskusten", which is particularly beautiful, selected and quality assured through the Swedish Tourist Association.

In Sotenäs, the Kuststigen trail goes on parts of the much more widespread Soteleden Trail. The municipality of Sotenäs has prioritized certain sections of the Soteleden trail, and also marked them as Kuststigen.

On this stage, which is the same as stage 4 of the Soteleden, there’s a wealth of nature and cultural experiences bringing to life the people who used to live in the area. From the southern part of Hunnebostrand walk via a pontoon bridge to Hunnebo Lera and on through farmland near the island of Ödby and finally to the bridge at Ramsvik.

The Sote Canal was built to protect seafarers from the dangerous Sotekär shipping channel, where many seamen lost their lives. In 1935 the work was completed and the canal was opened by the crown prince at that time, Gustav Adolf. The canal, which is 4800 metres long, stretches from Kungshamn in the south to Hunnebostrand in the north, and separates Ramsvikslandet from the mainland by a movable swing bridge. Nowadays the canal is used mostly by recreational boats, as many as 50 000 every summer. 

Just north of the bridge to the mainland lies “Mor Lenas stuga” (Mother Lena’s Cottage), a little stone cottage definitely worth stopping at. It was built in the 1700s and Lena and her two sons lived in it for many years. They lived off what the sea provided and also collected flotsam and jetsam. The cottage stands there today as a reminder of times gone by. Have a look inside if you’re passing! The cottage is maintained by the Sotenäsgillet local history society.

Distance: 6 km

Time: 2 h

How to get here: In Hunnebostrand there is a bus stop called Gamlegården. About 1 km from the bridge over the Sote-canal is a bus stop called Ramsviksvägen. 

Level of difficulty: Lätt

Surface: Asfalt, grusväg

6 km

About Difficulty Grading

The grading is tailored for Swedish lowland trails that adhere to the quality criteria established by the national framework for hiking trails.

Even and firm ground: The terrain is generally flat. The hike requires no need to use your hands for support. No obstacles. Bridges are always present when crossing waterways.

Uneven and/or soft ground: Some changes in elevation. Certain sections may require hand support to maintain balance. There may be obstacles such as low stiles and short stairs. Minor obstacles like stones and roots. Boardwalks are present.

Loose or slippery ground combined with steep sections: Technical parts require hand support. There may be obstacles such as high stiles and longer stairs. Frequent sections with stones and/or roots. Boardwalks with deeper surrounding water.

Note: One or more of these features may be present along the trail section.



  • Hav
  • Vandringsled
  • Kuststigen
  • Signaturled Bohuskusten




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